The #BOFaces series introduces you to the people making up BlueOrchard’s dedicated team, which is spread across our offices around the world. This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with Eva Schmithausen, Associate Vice President based in the Zurich office.

Continue reading if you want to know why Eva decided to work in impact investing and what her most valuable advice is for anyone interested in it.

Eva, what do you like most about working in the impact investing industry?

What I like most about working in impact investing is that I have the feeling to contribute to a greater purpose and to be able to make my own little contribution for a better world.

Why did you decide to work in impact investing?  

A looooong time ago, I wrote my master thesis on impact investing solutions in healthcare in Brazil. Ever since I have been fascinated by impact investment solutions and strongly believe in the key role that the financial sector has to play to tackle global challenges such as climate change and global inequality.

Why did you join BO?  

BlueOrchard combines my passion for impact and emerging markets and brings together a great group of enthusiastic and like-minded people.

What do you enjoy most about working at BO?

My colleagues and their enthusiasm for what we do!

How do you make an impact in your private life?

I try to move around by bike as much as possible and have a zero-waste policy at home ????

What is the most valuable advice you can give to people interested in impact investing?

Just do it!

Thank you, Eva!