Have you ever wondered who the people behind BlueOrchard are? As part of our #BOFaces series, we are happy to introduce Anali Oda, Investment Officer at our Lima office. We have interviewed Anali to better understand what drives her and why she enjoys working in the impact investing industry.

Anali, why did you decide to work in impact investing?

I had previously worked at a microfinance rating agency covering the Latin American region. I felt that working in impact investing would be aligned with both my work experience and my personal values.

What do you like most about working in the impact investing industry?

I really like that there is a strong engagement within the industry to further improve the tools with which we measure and report our impact. It shows that the stakeholders are intrinsically driven by their missions to really contribute to improve people’s lives.

And what do you enjoy most about working at BlueOrchard?

I enjoy most that I learn something new every day. It makes the work very interesting. Also, Investment Officers are given much responsibility and cover several countries, which can be challenging but is also incredibly rewarding.

What is the biggest global challenge in your view?

The biggest global challenge would be climate change. The number and intensity of adverse climate events is increasing every year and the global initiatives so far are not strong enough to solve this problem.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Anali!