This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with Ekaterine Megutnishvili, Senior Operations Officer, based in Georgia. Continue reading if you want to find out what the biggest global challenge is in her view, what she enjoys most about working at BlueOrchard, and how she makes impact in her private life.

What is the biggest global challenge in your view?

One of the biggest global challenges facing our world is climate change, therefore, I am really proud to be working at a company that is very engaged in addressing climate change. In my view, making a difference when it comes to climate change requires global cooperation, innovative solutions, and significant changes in policy, technology, and our everyday behaviour.

What do you enjoy most about working at BlueOrchard?

My favourite attributes of the company are; the passionate attitude to contributing to the growth of the industry in developing countries, going over and above when it comes to making an impact in sustainability and climate, and an extraordinarily friendly environment of multinational people across the different offices.

How do you make an impact in your private life?

On top of choosing sustainable and ethical products, I try to be very mindful about my consumption habits. I also try to make a positive impact through small donations to charitable causes that tackle issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare.

Thank you, Ekaterine.