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Insights from the investment team: The impact of Covid-19 for microfinance investing

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What does the Covid-19 pandemic mean for BlueOrchard’s investments?

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How microfinance investment can empower female entrepreneurs and contribute to closing the credit gap

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Why adaptation is as important as mitigation when it comes to climate action

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Interview with Ihtsham Ul Haq Qureshi, CEO of our partner company Asia Insurance

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On the road to India – field trip

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Interview with Hector Ibarra, CEO of our partner company Global Parametrics

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Interview with Vance Abissa, CEO of our partner company Inclusive Guarantee

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On the road to Georgia – field trip

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Interview with Jatin Singh, founder of our partner company Skymet

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Rethinking Climate Finance – Taking Action against Climate Change. Opportunities and Challenges for Financial Players

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Interview with Benjamin Agili, Managing Director of our partner company REGIC

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