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On the increasing role of impact reporting for microfinance institutions – Interview with Mr. Sovan Satyaprakash, Head of Strategy at Aye Finance

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Sustainable Infrastructure – Questions to Gianfranco Saladino

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My experience with the BlueOrchard Academy

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New Principles for Impact Investing – Interview with IFC’s Neil Gregory

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BlueOrchard Impact Report 2019/2020

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BlueOrchard partners with the WorldBank’s IFC to promote industry best practices

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Blended Finance 2.0 – Giving voice to the Private Sector. Insights from a BlueOrchard survey on Private Investors

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BOMF, 20 Years of Reducing Poverty in Emerging Markets

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Fighting Inequality – How Impact Investing can contribute to closing the gap between the rich and the poor

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A Latin American Success Story: the Microfinance Growth Fund

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When Blended Finance meets Impact Investing – OECD showcases BlueOrchard managed MIFA-Fund

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On the road to Myanmar – field trip

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