“Thanks to eight loan cycles over the past 20 years, I have been able to grow my business and build my own home from scratch.”
Grace Kissiri Animal farmer from Tanzania
Impact investments aim to make a tangible positive difference, for example by supporting underserved entrepreneurs or by protecting the environment from the effects of climate change.
At the heart of our impact investment strategy is a focus on making sure that everyone benefits. That means you should see a return on your investment, while also knowing it is adding tangible value to a local community and the environment.
Tracking impact is the only way to know our strategy is working as it should. So, we monitor, measure, and report everything – making transparency a key part of what we offer.
Including the excluded boosts local prosperity, tackling poverty while growing the global economy.
Countries and communities with the least resources are the most vulnerable to climate change, so they need the most help.
Do not just take our word for our credentials. We signed up to the Operating Principles for Impact Management as soon as they were launched in 2019. That means our B.Impact™ framework has had its private and public measurements independently verified – with outstanding results.
Access to financial services (including microfinance) is considered an enabler to end poverty. We include the number of poor and vulnerable that have been given access to microfinance and related financial product and services in less developed countries.
Access to financial services to small-scale food producers is considered an enabler to achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture. We include the number of small-scale farmers that have been given access to financial services in less developed and frontier markets.
Access to financial and related products and services tailored to affordable healthcare is instrumental to improve universal health coverage. We contribute to SDG 3 by funding institutions with an earmarked healthcare portfolio addressing the needs of the poor and vulnerable in emerging and frontier markets.
We invest in institutions that offer education financial services to low income households in less developed and frontier markets. We measure contribution by i) the number of beneficiaries that receive MSME loans for primary, secondary and tertiary education, ii) the number of loans to affordable private education providers in Africa, and iii) the number of Technical Assistance projects funded.
Financial inclusion provides women with greater economic empowerment. We measure the number of women that receive MSME financial services and the number of investees that offer tailored MSME financial services to women.
Providing access to clean water and sanitation services is a basic human right and is key for people’s health in emerging and frontier markets. We contribute to SDG 6 by targeting organisations that improve access to drinking water or install waste water treatment plants.
Access to energy, while taking care of the environment, is crucial for sustainable development. We target organisations that advance solar or wind energy with a focus on emerging markets.
Access to financial services (including microfinance) is considered an enabler to promote growth of MSMEs and job creation. We measure the number of MSMEs that have access to loans and estimate the number of indirect jobs supported by MSMEs.
We invest in the establishment and improvement of data infrastructure, such as new or improved communication connections, which are important to create an enabling environment for economic and social development.
A well-balanced society is essential for sustainable development. We operate in frontier and emerging markets with a focus on ODA countries. Our investees focus to support inclusive businesses and entrepreneurship as part of their business models in LDC**, low, and middle income countries.
*Official development assistance; **Least developed countries
Cities are centre of human life and economic development. We target investees that focus on loans for affordable housing projects. We measure the number of affordable housing loans beneficiaries.
Meeting the world’s increasing demand for food and consumption goods while respecting the environment during the production process is a challenge yet to be solved. We contribute to SDG 12 by investing in waste management and recycling and basic infrastructure.
We target investees that contribute to the adaptation to climate change by improving access to and the use of insurance in developing countries. The aim is to reduce the vulnerability of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) as well as low-income households to extreme weather events. We measure the poor and vulnerable beneficiaries that have received climate insurance.
77'435'553 climate insurance beneficiaries (Total number of new climate insurance policy holders compared to baseline. Multiplied by average household size or business size in each country)BlueOrchard is deeply committed to contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. With our investments, we address 16 out of the 17 SDGs. Read here how we make a positive contribution to each of these goals.
BlueOrchard is deeply committed to contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. With our investments, we address 16 out of the 17 SDGs. Read here how we make a positive contribution to each of these goals.
BlueOrchard is deeply committed to contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. With our investments, we address 16 out of the 17 SDGs. Read here how we make a positive contribution to each of these goals.
Mobilisation of private investments in developing and frontier markets is key to achieve sustainable objectives. Over time, we have specialized in blended finance structures, leveraging the capital invested to the benefit of emerging and frontier markets. We measure the volume of private investments directed to emerging economies.
USD 3.8 billion private capital mobilised (Amount of private capital in BlueOrchard's funds as of 30 June 2024)