My name is Baji Hina and I come from Pakistan. A few years ago, my household’s financial condition was precarious, as my husband was unfortunately not able to secure a fixed employment contract. I wanted to contribute to improving my family’s situation, that is why I decided to start my own business. Following the advice of my neighbor, I obtained a loan from the Kashf Foundation, a Pakistani non-banking microfinance company, to set up a small-scale stitching business.

The beginnings were quite challenging, however, my determination allowed me to persevere.  The efforts I put into my work resulted in very fine stitchings, which did not go unnoticed for long. In the last five years, my clientele grew considerably and this led me to employ four other women from my community, providing them with a secure daily wage. Starting my own business also allowed me to earn the recognition and respect of my family.

As an ambitious and successful entrepreneur, I would like to expand my company and hopefully even open a factory one day. My own struggles have led me to want to help other women stand on their own feet, fight for their rights and make themselves financially independent and empowered.